Horizon Europe Framework Programme
Marie Skłodowska_Curie Actions (HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01-1)
Project Nr 101086381
Kierownik Projektu UEK: dr hab. Barbara Siuta-Tokarska, prof. UEK
Kolegium Ekonomii i Finansów
Katedra Ekonomiki i Organizacji Przedsiębiorstw
Czas trwania: 1/12/2022 – 30/11/2026
Budżet: 303 600,00 €
Budżet UEK: 55 200,00 €
Opis projektu
The project ODDEA – Overcoming Digital Divide in Europe and Southeast Asia is the first initiative in Krakow University of Economics funded under the European Union’s Framework Program for Research and Innovation “HORIZON EUROPE”, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Staff Exchanges.
Horizon Europe is the EU’s largest research and innovation program adopted for the years 2021-2027, with the implementation of cutting-edge research and innovative solutions. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) implemented under Horizon Europe support scientists at various stages of their careers, funding research and training conducted in Europe and non-European countries. The MSCA SE grant aims to build or develop cooperation between researchers from EU member and associated countries and third countries through staff exchanges between academic and non-academic sector organizations.
The ODDEA project addresses the issue of digitalization of economies of European and Southeast Asian countries. The rationale for the project concept was the Covid-19 pandemic, which significantly increased interest in the issue of digitization, allowing national governments, as well as individuals, to cope with the scientific and socio-economic problems caused by the sanitary restrictions introduced. Both basic and more advanced digital technologies, as well as digital skills, became essential to sustain the functioning of the economy and society, making it possible to continue work, track the spread of the virus and accelerate medications and vaccine research. The Covid-19 pandemic period demonstrated more than ever before, the importance of digital assets and the need for further digital transformation. Strengthening the digital economy and society has become one of the 6 strategic priorities of the European Commission’s 2021 work program, with a goal of making this Europe’s digital decade. Digital transformation is an important issue not only for EU member states, but also for those associated with the EU, as it can help them accelerate convergence and catch up developed EU economies. Digitization is also a particularly topical issue in the developing countries of the Southeast Asian region.
The digital transformation leads to higher economic growth, sustainable development and the increase of the quality of life. The proposed project is as timely as ever considering the current situation of digitalization in the EU, EU associated countries (Montenegro) and developing countries in Southeast Asia region (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand). The focus of the project is the cooperation of the academic staff and doctoral students to engage in the research in the field of digitalization, exchange their knowledge, ideas, and provide meaningful outputs and establish research collaboration in the field of digitalization.
The project work is divided into several parts, carried out through work packages aimed at:
- identification of the factors underlying the digital divide in the European Union and Southeast Asia countries,
- a diagnosis of the current level of development of the digital economy in EU and Southeast Asia countries;
- a quantitative analysis of the causes of the observed digital divide among EU and Southeast Asian economies;
- an in-depth analysis of the digital divide in individual partner countries, enabling a more precise identification of the driving forces behind the digitisation processes prevalent in each country, and to make recommendations for policies to stimulate more dynamic and better-targeted digital progress in European and Southeast Asian countries.
Skład konsorcjum
Lider konsorcjum: Ekonomicka Univerzita v Bratislave (Słowacja)
Partnerzy konsorcjum:
- Akademia Górniczo Hutnicza w Krakowie (Polska),
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie (Polska),
- Univerzitet Donja Gorica (Czarnogóra),
- Institut Savremenih Tehnologija Crne Gore (Czarnogóra),
- Szechenyi Istvan Egyetem (Węgry).
Partnerzy stowarzyszeni:
- Universiti Teknologi MARA (Malezja),
- International College of National Institute of Development Administration ICO NIDA (Tajlandia)
- Badan Wakaf University Islam Indonesia (Indonezja).
Karta projektu
Zespół projektowy UEK:
Kierownik Projektu: dr. hab. Barbara Siuta-Tokarska, prof. UEK
Zespół badawczy:
- dr hab. Katarzyna Żmija, prof. UEK,
- dr Agnieszka Thier,
- dr. Tomasz Kusio.
- dr. Wojciech Szymla – Data Manager,
- dr. Małgorzata Kowalik – V-ce Data Manager,
- dr Sylwia Kruk – Secondment KUE coordinator,
- Sylwia Krzyżek-Liburska, M.Sc. – International Projects Office, Research Project Support.
Dodatkowe informacje o projekcie: